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Spot the Bird: bright beak gray cheek

In celebration of my friend Kate seeing Black-bellied whistling ducks in New Orleans, here is a Black-bellied whistling duck Spot the Bird.

The photo was taken in a coastal wetland in the state of Veracruz, Mexico, in Ocotber of 2008. I was scanning the greenery with binx when I spotted the ducks — I suspect I would never have seen them with the naked eye — and took the picture, hoping it would come out just like this: a photo with birds that are virtually invisible, except for their extraordinary bill color. (If you don’t know what a BBWD’s bill color is, click on the link above to Kate’s photo to make the search easier.) I’ll post a photo key later, but in the meantime, don’t forget to click to enlarge. By the way, the head count is three ducks, as far as I can tell.

Posted by Allison on Dec 29th 2010 02:38 pm | One Comment
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One Response to “Spot the Bird: bright beak gray cheek”

  1. sueon 30 Dec 2010 at 10:15 am link comment

    see them but didn’t see #3 till you noted. pretty plants–rhizomes related to ginger?